Card for owners and tenants

Card for owners and tenants for the house of Anastas Stefanov Genov. Tenant of the home is Nevena Tsvetkova, wife of Anastas. The owner Anastas Stefanov is a Bulgarian, Evangelist by religion, born 1914. The house in located in the village Stubel, Ferdinand region (today Montana). The tentant is the wife of Anastas - Nevena, born 1915, Evangelist by religion and Bulgarian by nationality, as it is written in the card. It is also written that both are agricultors. The document is issued on 19 Mar 1935, two days after their marriage. This document is important for given an address registration. Extent: 1 document. Condition of original material: The bottom right corner is torn. Custodial history: Document was provided to the owner by his father. Author(s)/Creator(s): Anastas Stefanov.