Album sheet with six photos

Potrait photos of Tsvetana and Slavcho Munelski, children of Nevena and Anastas. Wedding photo of aunt Grozda with Petko, a Baptist from Lom. Portrait photos of grandma Venka and grandpa Tsvetko, parents of Nevena from village Rasovo. It is clear from the picture that they are Tinchevists by religious belonging. He has long whiskers and is dressed like a Tinchevist (a movement originated from the Evangelical Pentecostal Church and was founded in the end of 1920s. It is mainly influental in North Bulgaria), and Venka is also dressed like Tinchevist and has a towel on the head. Extent: 6 photographs. Condition of original material: Bad quality of the photos. Custodial history: Photos were provided to the owner by his father. Author(s)/Creator(s): Unknown photographers.