
Original institution's reference: NRG9/6. This series contains the following 49 files: EAP935/8/6/1: Site Selection Committee Upper Region UG/57/SF.1, 1953-1971 [NRG9/6/1] EAP935/8/6/2: Minutes of Northern Region Local Government Service Committee Per /61/SF5 Vol. 4, 1950-1969 [NRG9/6/2] EAP935/8/6/3: Lawra Confederacy Local Council Minutes of Finance and Staff UL/22/SF8, 1958-1962 [NRG9/6/3] EAP935/8/6/4: Wala Local Council lMinutes of Meetings UL/22/SF6, 1958-1962 [NRG9/6/4] EAP935/8/6/5: Kusabi Local Council Finance and Staff Committee Minutes UL/22/S.F2, 1958-1962 [NRG9/6/5] EAP935/8/6/6: Finance and Staff Committee Kassana-Nankanni L.C PER/61/SF.11, 1959 [NRG9/6/6] EAP935/8/6/7: Minutes of Meeting Finance and Staff Committee Wala Local Council Per/61/SF13, 1959 [NRG9/6/7] EAP935/8/6/8: District Development Committee UL/23/SF.6, 1960-1961 [NRG9/6/8] EAP935/8/6/9: Emergency Relief Committee UG/66/SF3, 1960-1965 [NRG9/6/9] EAP935/8/6/10: Meetings of District Heads of Departmnet/Corp, 1960-1969 [NRG9/6/10] EAP935/8/6/11: Local Council Education Committees UL/23 SFl, 1960-1962 [NRG9/6/11] EAP935/8/6/12: Local Government Committee Upper Region Finance. UL/23/S.F10, 1960-1962 [NRG9/6/12] EAP935/8/6/13: House of Chief Meetings of Standings Committee UL/13/SF2, 1960-1968 [NRG9/6/13] EAP935/8/6/14: Upper Region Local Government Servic Committee UL/23/SF9, 1960-1964 [NRG9/6/14] EAP935/8/6/15: Standing Committee Uhc/20/SF1, 1961-1966 [NRG9/6/15] EAP935/8/6/16: Emergency Relief Committee Minutes U9/66/SF3, 1961-1963 [NRG9/6/16] EAP935/8/6/17: Minutes of Meetings, 1961-1962 [NRG9/6/17] EAP935/8/6/18: Minutes of the Upper Region Local Government Service Committee, 1961-1962 [NRG9/6/18] EAP935/8/6/19: Kusasi Local Council Minutes Meetingg UL/22/SF2, 1961-1962 [NRG9/6/19] EAP935/8/6/20: Meeting of the Upper Region Local Governemt Service Committee UL/23/SF9, 1961-1963 [NRG9/6/20] EAP935/8/6/21: Upper Region House of Chief Minutes of Meetings, 1961-1963 [NRG9/6/21] EAP935/8/6/22: Minutes - Upper Region House of Chief, 1962 [NRG9/6/22] EAP935/8/6/23: Jirapa Local Council Minutes of Meetings UL/22/S.F 23, 1963-1966 [NRG9/6/23] EAP935/8/6/24: Talensi Local Council Minutes of Meetings UL/22/SF.19, 1963 [NRG9/6/24] EAP935/8/6/25: Pusiga /Pulimakom LocalCouncil Minutes of Meetings. UL/22/SF II, 1963-1967 [NRG9/6/25] EAP935/8/6/26: Sandema Local Council Minutes of UL/22/S.F 12, 1963-1974 [NRG9/6/26] EAP935/8/6/27: Lambusu Local Council Minutes of Meetings UL/22/SF. 22, 1963-1966 [NRG9/6/27] EAP935/8/6/28: Bolgatanga Local Council Minutes of Meetings UL/22/SF1, 1963-1966 [NRG9/6/28] EAP935/8/6/29: Garu Local Council Minutes of Meetings UL/22/SF8, 1963-1966 [NRG9/6/29] EAP935/8/6/30: Tumu Local Council Minutes of Meetings UL/22/SF13, 1963-1978 [NRG9/6/30] EAP935/8/6/31: Wa District Administrative Committee Minutes UP/37/SF8, 1963 [NRG9/6/31] EAP935/8/6/32: Nandom Local Council Minutes of Meetings UL/22/SF14, 1963-1966 [NRG9/6/32] EAP935/8/6/33: Navrongo Local Council Minutes of Meetings uL/22/S.F10, 1963-1973 [NRG9/6/33] EAP935/8/6/34: Upper Region Local Government Staff Advisory Committee Membership URAC/1, 1963-1969 [NRG9/6/34] EAP935/8/6/35: Fumbisi Local Council Minutes of Meetings UL/22/SF13, 1964 [NRG9/6/35] EAP935/8/6/36: Local Councils Health Education Committee Minutes of Meetings Upper-Region UG/23/S.F7, 1964 [NRG9/6/36] EAP935/8/6/37: The Central Advisory Committee Local Govrnment Minutes URA/10, 1964-1968 [NRG9/6/37] EAP935/8/6/38: Monthly Meeting of Heads of Departmetns and Corporation Minutes UG/1/SF7, 1965-1968 [NRG9/6/38] EAP935/8/6/39: Garu Local Management Committee Minutes of Meetings UL/22/s.F5, 1966-1972 [NRG9/6/39] EAP935/8/6/40: Bongo/Vobdam Local Council Minutes of Meeting UL/22/SF.3, 1966-1974 [NRG9/6/40] EAP935/8/6/41: Nadwli/Funsi Local Manageemnt Committee Minutes of Meetings UL/22/SF9, 1966-1974 [NRG9/6/41] EAP935/8/6/42: Kusanaba/Zebilla Local M.CM. Minutes of Meeting UL/22/SF6, 1966-1971 [NRG9/6/42] EAP935/8/6/43: Nadwli Local Council Minutes of Meeting UL/22/SF24, 1966-1968 [NRG9/6/43] EAP935/8/6/44: Bolgatanga/Tongo U/MC Minutes of Meetings UL/22/SF2, 1967-1968 [NRG9/6/44] EAP935/8/6/45: Ghana/Paga C/M/Committee Minutes of Meetings UL/22/SF8, 1968-1973 [NRG9/6/45] EAP935/8/6/46: Monthly Meeting of Heads of Departments and Corp. UG/1/SF& Vol 2, 1969-1971 [NRG9/6/46] EAP935/8/6/47: Wa Local Council Minutes of Meetins UL/22/SF 14, 1969-1974 [NRG9/6/47] EAP935/8/6/48: Office and Meeting Halls for Houses of Chiefs, 1969 [NRG9/6/48] EAP935/8/6/49: Wine and Beer Liquor Spirit, 1964-1959 [NRG9/6/49].