Various Files

Includes files on: Preservation of Fauna; Preservation of Silver doums to Gold Coase; African Home Alloment; Anglo-France Frontier; Demobilisation and Resettlement of Soldiers; Air Services; Commerce and Industry; Census; Community Development;Sports; Cattle and Livestock; Social Advancement; Trade; Registration of the Destitute the Handicapped; Publicity; and Census of Industrial Production Distributive Trade. This series contains the following 15 files: EAP935/6/22/1: Preservation of Fauna, 1932-1934 [NRG6/22] EAP935/6/22/2: Preservation of Silver doums to Gold Coase, 1938-1948 [NRG6/23] EAP935/6/22/3: African Home Alloment, 1941 [NRG6/24] EAP935/6/22/4: Anglo-France Frontier, 1961-1965 [NRG6/25] EAP935/6/22/6: Air Services, 1948-1949 [NRG6/27] EAP935/6/22/7: Commerce and Industry, 1949-1951 [NRG6/28] EAP935/6/22/8: Census, 1960-1963 [NRG6/29] EAP935/6/22/9: Community Development, 1961-1965 [NRG6/30] EAP935/6/22/10: Sports, 1961-1965 [NRG6/31] EAP935/6/22/11: Cattle and Livestock, 1963-1966 [NRG6/32] EAP935/6/22/12: Social Advancement, 1965 [NRG6/33] EAP935/6/22/13: Trade, 1947 [NRG6/34] EAP935/6/22/14: Registration of the Destitute the Handicapped, 1961-1964 [NRG6/35] EAP935/6/22/15: Publicity, 1962-1964 [NRG6/36] EAP935/6/22/16: Census of Industrial Production Distributive Trade, 1963-1964 [NRG6/37]. The following file is missing and was therefore not digitised: EAP935/6/22/5: Demobilisation and Resettlement of Soldiers, 1945-1947 [NRG6/26].