
The material comprised in this series comprises, Matters relating to boundaries; layout of towns in the northern region; Land and Native Rights Ordinance; Land Dispute and Acquisition; Land Tenure System; Land planning and utilization; Leases; Certificate of occupancy; Registration of titles to land; Papers of Tamale lands advisory committee; soil conservation; site for building offices etc; Ground rent; Stool and skin lands; Towns, Land and water surveys in the Northern and Upper Regions; Administration or lands regulations; Northern Region land commission papers and letter concerning “Operation and cleaning”; memos on the alienation of land in Krachi district; and indentures. Original institution's reference: NR6/1. This series contains the following 6 files: EAP935/6/1/1: Land Ordinance, 1946-1948 [NRG6/1/1] EAP935/6/1/2: Wiaga Land Planning Committee, 4 Aug 1954-15 Apr 1958 [NRG6/1/2] EAP935/6/1/3: Land, 1961-1965 [NRG6/1/3] EAP935/6/1/4: Acquisition of Lands, 1961-1964 [NRG6/1/4] EAP935/6/1/5: Boundaries of Stool Lands, 1962 [NRG6/1/5] EAP935/6/1/6: Land, 1963 [NRG6/1/6].