
The material comprised in this series comprises, Matters relating to boundaries; layout of towns in the northern region; Land and Native Rights Ordinance; Land Dispute and Acquisition; Land Tenure System; Land planning and utilization; Leases; Certificate of occupancy; Registration of titles to land; Papers of Tamale lands advisory committee; soil conservation; site for building offices etc; Ground rent; Stool and skin lands; Towns, Land and water surveys in the Northern and Upper Regions; Administration or lands regulations; Northern Region land commission papers and letter concerning “Operation and cleaning”; memos on the alienation of land in Krachi district; and indentures. Original institution's reference: NRG3/1. This series contains the following 22 files: EAP935/3/1/1: Land Dispute - Gonja - Mumprusi Area, 1922-1950 [NRG3/1/1] EAP935/3/1/2: Mamprusi - Dagomba Boundary (file no, 44/22/5/sf.3, 1927-1934 [NRG3/1/2] EAP935/3/1/3: Kusasi (Case no. 44/1922/S.F.1) Land, Matters, 1934-1947 [NRG3/1/3] EAP935/3/1/4: Bounday Disputes - Zuarungu Area (44/1922/S.F.2), 1939-1954 [NRG3/1/4] EAP935/3/1/5: Certificate of Occupancy, 1940 [NRG3/1/5] EAP935/3/1/7: Share of Rents Payable to the N.A.S, 1945-1950 [NRG3/1/7] EAP935/3/1/8: Land Planning and Soil Conservation, 1947-1950 [NRG3/1/8] EAP935/3/1/9: Land and Native Rights (NRG8/31 Occupancy, 1952-1953 [NRG3/1/9] EAP935/3/1/10: Gonja Development Company Land Planning Areas., 1952-1953 [NRG3/1/10] EAP935/3/1/11: Land and Native Rights Ordinance, 1952-1954 [NRG3/1/11] EAP935/3/1/12: K psenkpe-Naga Boundary Dispute, 1953 [NRG3/1/12] EAP935/3/1/13: Naga-Kpasenkpe Boundary & Land, 1953-1956 [NRG3/1/13] EAP935/3/1/14: Resettlement (Land Utility), 1953 [NRG3/1/14] EAP935/3/1/15: Acquisition of Land, 1918-1963 [NRG3/1/15] EAP935/3/1/16: Land Matters, 1954-1959 [NRG3/1/16] EAP935/3/1/18: Bolga - Station - Governmet Areas, 1954 [NRG3/1/18] EAP935/3/1/19: Acquisition of Lands, 1955-1959 [NRG3/1/19] EAP935/3/1/20: Allocation of Land - Gombaya, 1957 [NRG3/1/20] EAP935/3/1/21: Certificate Occupancy Policy, 1954-1957 [NRG3/1/21] EAP935/3/1/22: Guabulega - Site for Catholic Mission, 1957-1959 [NRG3/1/22] EAP935/3/1/25: Nalerigu Site for Church House Residence for American Baptist Mission MD- 0293, 1957-1960 [NRG3/1/25] EAP935/3/1/27: Nantong - Site for Assemblies of God Mission M.D)-0338, 1958-1959 [NRG3/1/27]. The following 6 files are missing and were therefore not digitised: EAP935/3/1/6: Boundary Disputed (file no. 16/32/SF.1), 1941-1958 [NRG3/1/6] EAP935/3/1/17: Land, 1954-1956 [NRG3/1/17] EAP935/3/1/23: Certificate of Occupance - Walewale (file oo. ND - 0348, 1986-1960 [NRG3/1/23] EAP935/3/1/24: Naalerigu Site for Leprosy Settlement (American Baptist Mission), 1957-1958 [NRG3/1/24] EAP935/3/1/26: Land & Boundary Disputes (Mamprusi Dagomba), 1958-1969 [NRG3/1/26] EAP935/3/1/28: Land & Boundary Disputes of Walewale District, Lands (File N. Wd/L12), 1962-1963 [NRG3/1/28].