The Botanical Collections at East African Herbarium, Kenya

The digitised contents under EAP923 are preserved at National Museums of Kenya, Botany department, East African Herbarium Library. These are rare and unique collections of photos and slides that were collected during pre-colonial era. These priceless heritage collections that were initially endangered, some showing signs of physical deterioration as a result of poor storage condition are now fully digitised and stored in archival conditions at National Museums of Kenya. The collections will be accessed online by scholars and the general public from all over the world. This will make using the collections easier and also reduce tear and wear occasioned by over handling of the collections. During sorting process several photos and slides were discarded because they had absorbed a lot of moisture during flooding which occurred in 1997/1998 leading to decay of the photos and several packs of slides stuck together and therefore they could not be digitised. The digitised collections cover Kenya, Tanzania, Somalia and Ethiopia.