
Ismat is the one of most important journal for muslim women. Ismat was a literary magazine for women which served the cause of women education in India and fought for their legal rights. It contains the articles about women education, letters, daily activities of life and their social issues. This literary journal was also edited by renowned writer and editors, Rashid ul Khairi and Raziq ul Khairi who was also known as "Musawir-i Gham". lsmat contained a substantial amount of writing by Rashidul Khairi and other men, articles designed to promote women's education and the respectable domesticity so favoured by social reformers of the day whether Hindu or Muslim. Ismat was a journal in Urdu for ‘respectable Indian women’ .Which would contain edifying articles on educational subjects, literature useful knowledge but no political articlesIt also has interesting advertisements. Started publishing from Karachi on October, November and December 1947. Its editor was a prominent activist and poet, and played important roles in both political and literary matters. The journal’s politics often brought it trouble from the colonial administration. It appears in different dimensions: 20*12.5 cm; 23.5×17.6 cm; 21.5×12.5 cm; 22×13.5 cm; 2×18.5 cm; 25×18.5 cm; 24.6×18 cm; 24.5×17.5 cm; 23.×18 cm; 21.5×12.5 cm; 21.5×13 cm. Extent: 552 electronic files contain 41821 TIFF Images. Arrangement: The issues belonging to this periodical have been bound into 117 volumes. Each volume contains 6 issues and sometimes 12. The volumes are arranged chronologically by year. Within the volumes the issues are arranged numerically by issue number.