Mayor and Police Authorities

The series contains official letters exchanged between the Mayor of the First Parish (Prefeito da Primeira Comarca), Frederico d’Almeida e Albuquerque, and the Police Corps, from 1837 to 1838, as well as correspondence from the Chief of Police to the President of the Province (Presidente de Província), police Deputies and Assistant Deputies ("delegados" and "subdelegados") and other authorities from that and other provinces, between 1842 and 1871. It includes: passport registers for free and enslaved persons of different nationalities; transport of arrested deserters; arrest of horse robbers; dismissal and appointment of Assistant Deputies (subdelegados); arrest of slaves; prevention of illegal slaves' embarkation; prisoners under medical treatment in the Santa Casa da Misericórdia; arrest of criminals for enslaving a free individual; request for jail keeper to provide a list of prisoners and their crimes; prisoners' escape from the Provincial jail; enlistment authorization for privates and lists of the active members of the Army in different parts of the Province; request for a shipment of medicine to remedy the spread of Cholera; among others.

Created by the Mayor of the First Parish and by Police Authorities.

Manuscript book with original hardcover. Some folios are damaged by insects and iron gall ink. Some folios are yellowing.