欽定春秋傳説. [A royal collection of Chun Qiu tales]. [嗣德壬戌仲秋重鎸 [1862] Tự Đức nhâm tuất trọng thu trùng thuyên]

This series was originally printed circa 36 separate books which were combined and rebound by EFEO, of which 16 [HN 0410, HN 0411, HN 0422, HN 0423, HN 0424, HN 0425, HN 0426, HN 0427, HN 0428, HN 0684, HN 0685, HN 0686, HN 0687, HN 0688, HN 0689, HN 0690] are found in the ISSI HN Hán Nôm collection. This digital series contains 5 of these books, HN 0422, HN 0424, HN 0425, HN 0426 and HN 0428.