
ໜັງສືຄໍາພີໃບລານຂຽນດ້ວຍອັກສອນທໍາລາວ, ອັກສອນລາວ, ພາສາລາວ ແລະພາສາບາລີ ບັນຈຸເນື້ອໃນຄວາມຮູ້ຫຼາຍດ້ານ ປະກອບດ້ວຍ ຄໍາພີພາສາບາລີ, ຊາດົກ, ຕໍານານພະພຸດທະສາສະໜາ, ຕໍານານເມືອງ, ຕໍາລາຢາພື້ນເມືອງ, ທໍາມະທົ່ວໄປ, ນິຍາຍທໍາມະ, ບົດສູດມົນ, ປະເພນີ, ພະສູດ, ພະວິໄນ, ພະອະພິທໍາ, ວັນນະຄະດີ, ອານິສົງ, ອັກສອນສາດ, ໂຫລາສາດ, ໂອວາດຄໍາສອນ. ໜັງສືຄໍາພີເຫຼົ່ານີ້ຖືກສ້າງຖວາຍໄວ້ເປັນສົມບັດຂອງວັດໂພນໄຊ ໄຊຊະນະສົງຄາມ ໂດຍພະມະຫາເຖລະ, ພະບໍລົມມະວົງສານຸວົງແລະຊາວພຸດຜູ້ມີສັດທາທົ່ວໄປ ແລະຖືກປົກປັກຮັກສາໂດຍເຈົ້າອະທິການວັດແລະພະສົງ-ສາມະເນນວັດໂພນໄຊ ຈົນເປັນມໍລະດົກຕົກທອດມາເຖິງປັດຈຸບັນ. The manuscripts are palm leaves written in Tham Lao and Lao scripts, in Lao and Pali languages contain various kinds of texts including Monolingual Pali, Jataka, Buddhist chronicle, Secular chronicle, Medical treatise, White magic, General Buddhism, Folktale, Prayer, Ritual, Sutta, Vinaya, Abhidhamma, Literature, Anisong (Reward), Philology, Astrology, Didactics. These manuscripts were sponsored the making and donated to Vat Phosai Saisanasongkham by great monks, members of the royal family and devout Buddhist. They have been preserved by former abbots and monks amd novices of Vat Phonsai monastery as heritage until to our present days. Custodial history: The manuscripts in the collection of Vat Phonsai Saisanasongkham were being made from the mid-17th century to the mid-20th century, were donated to the monastery by their sponsors who were monks, members of the royal family, high-ranking officials and prominent people lived around the monastery and in Luang Prabang town. Later in 1995, they were organised and arranged by the project Preservation of Lao Manuscript Programme in collaboration between the Sangha of Luang Prabang and National Library. in the 2000s, when the abbot's abode where the manuscripts were kept was in fire, the manuscripts were damaged by water that was poured to distinguish the fire, but not taken care of, making the manuscripts stick together until they cannot be used. Arrangement: The manuscripts were kept in the storageroom in the abbot's abode together with other dispersed and damaged manuscripts. The damaged manuscripts are stuck together and can not be used.