
ໜັງສືຄໍາພີໃບລານຂຽນດ້ວຍອັກສອນທໍາລາວ, ອັກສອນລາວ, ອັກສອນລ້ານນາ ແລະອັກສອນໄຕລື້, ພາສາລາວ, ພາສາບາລີ, ພາສາລ້ານນາແລະພາສາໄຕລື້ ບັນຈຸເນື້ອໃນຄວາມຮູ້ຫຼາຍດ້ານ ປະກອບດ້ວຍ ຄໍາພີພາສາບາລີ, ຊາດົກ, ຕໍານານພະພຸດທະສາສະໜາ, ຕໍານານເມືອງ, ທໍາມະທົ່ວໄປ, ນິຍາຍທໍາມະ, ກົດໝາຍບູຮານ, ໂຫາຣາສາດ, ນິທານ, ບົດສູດມົນ, ປະເພນີ, ພະສູດ, ພະວິໄນ, ພະອະພິທໍາ, ອານິສົງ ແລະໂອວາດຄໍາສອນ, ຕໍາລາຢາແລະໄສຍະສາດ. The manuscripts are palm leaves written in Tham Lao, Lao, Lanna and Tailü scripts, in Lao, Pali, Lanna and Tailü languages contain various kinds of texts including Monolingual Pali, Jataka, Buddhist chronicle, Secular chronicle, General Buddhism, Buddhist tale, Customary Law, Astrology, Folktales, Prayers, Ritual, Sutta, Vinaya, Abhidhamma, Anisong (Award), Didactics, Medical treatises, and Magic. Custodial history: The manuscripts in the collection of Vat Long Khun were being made from early 17th century to the mid-20th century, were donated to the monastery by their sponsors who were senior monks, members of the royal family, high-ranking officials and prominent people lived around the monastery and in Luang Prabang town. Later in 1994, the manuscripts were organised and arranged by the project Preservation of Lao Manuscript Programme in collaboration between the Sangha of Luang Prabang and National Library of Laos. Arrangement: The manuscripts are kept in two wooden-glass manuscript cabinets in the monks' kuti (abode). They were organised and arranged by the project Preservation of Lao Manuscript Programme (PLMP) in collaboration with the Sangha of Luang Prabang in 1994. Most manuscript-fascicles are tied together and protected by two wooden boards and then wrapped in white cotton bags. Some manuscripts are dispersed. Some manuscripts are damaged by water and insects.