كتاب شرح الكافية في النحو

Dark brown and paper binding; black ink with rubric; European watermarked paper: "Anchor with a trefoil" (f.1); Trefoil with "G" and "A" countermark (f.4); Trefoil with "A" and "B" (f.11); Letters "PP" watermark (f.340); Unidentified mark (f.355).

358 folios; 30.3 x 21 cm.

Original location reference: 66.

Author: Muḥammad b. al-Ḥasan al-Istrābādhī al-Sumnāʾī al-Najafī al-Raḍī.

Scribe: Unknown.

Owner(s) of the original material: Muḥammad b. ʿAlī.