ألفية ابن مالك

Light brown partial leather binding; brown ink with rubrics; European watermarked paper of different types in three copies: [Copy #1] Tre Lune watermark (f.14&17); Letters "R" and "I" (f.14); Letter "C" (f.17); [Copy #2] "Hillock with cross" (f.20&25); "Letter 'N' inside circle" (f.22&23); [Copy #3] "Mount of six coupeaux above letters 'S' and 'S'" (f.3&6); "Two crescent moons" (f.4&5).

73 folios; 22 x 15.5 cm.

Original location reference: 56.

Author: Muhammad b. Abdallah b. Malik al-Ta'i.

Scribe: Unknown.

Owner(s) of the original material: Unknown.