[شرح الملوي على اللسلم للأخضري في علم المنطق؟ّ]

Mixed color leather binding; black ink with rubrics; European watermarked paper: "Tre Lune above letters F F watermark (f.1&10); "Tre Lune above letters P P" watermark (f.3&8); "Tre Lune" watermark (f.15&16); Unidentified mark (f.12&19); Letters "C"and "I" countermark (f.23&28); Letters "I E E A N E above Tre Lune" watermark (f.32&39); Letters "A I above 'Three Stars'" (f.33); Letters "E, W, and M" countermark (f.59); "Crown above 'E' and 'V'" watermark (f.69&70); Letters "C, F, and A" countermarks (f.66&73); Letters "C(?) and S" above "C" (f.236&239).

240 folios; 22.75 x 16.25 cm.

Original location reference: 137.

Author: Abū al-ʿAbbās Aḥmad b. ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Malwī al-Shāfiʿī.

Scribe: Unknown.

Owner(s) of the original material: Unknown.