पद्मपुराण (१-४ अध्याय)

Incomplete, Start: ॐ नमोमाधवाय॥…  दिलीप इति विख्यातो, रघुवंशे नराधिप:। एकदा मृगयां यातो, गान्दाराख्ये महावने॥ह्रियमाने=सधर्म्मात्मा, धम्मेण मृगरूपिणा॥ (fol 1, digital image 001); इ=तिश्री पद्मपुराणे उत्तरखण्डे वशिष्ठदिलीपसम्वादे प्रथमोऽध्याय:॥ (fol 11, digital image 011);  ०द्वितीयोऽध्याय:॥ (fol 39, digital image 039); ०वशिष्ट दिली ^प^ सम्वादे तृतीयोध्याय:॥ (fol 52, digital image 052); ०दिलीपसंवादे चतुर्थोध्याय:॥ (fol 71, digital image 071); End: अहं हंसो=भविष्यामि, त्वं च हंसो भविष्यसि॥; हंसी यमपिमद्भार्य्यासारसीयं भविष्यति॥ (fol 84, digital image 084); emendations in the margins (fol 25, digital image 025), lacunae (fol 41 digital image 041), deletions by hashes on the heads (fol 69, digital image 069), blotted ink (fol 70, digital image 070), copying mistakes (fol 74, digital image 074). Calendar: C 800 (Nepal Samvat). Extent and format of original material: 84. Physical characteristics: Patrasaphū (Leaf book), Nepali handmade lokta paper, Haritāla (A mixture of arsenic suphilde, Manaśilā and rice flour glue) on both sides, fungal and insect damage, parts missing; 25.5cm x 7.5cm.