"Collected Eschatological Texts with the Essay about Peter I as Antichrist, the End Times, and «heretical baptism» // Сборник эсхатологический со старообрядческим сочинением о Петре I - Антихристе, «п...

Paper: Russian machine-made paper without labels. Writing style: half-uncial script by several hands. The manuscript contains an Old Believer eschatological essay, extracts from the Margarit of St. John Chrysostom, the Alpha-Omega book [Альфа и Омега], The Book of the One, True, and Orthodox Faith [Книга о Вере единой истинной православной], the Kirillova Kniga on chronology [Kirill’s book // Кириллова книга], home prayer and prayers for feast days, youth and old age, and the prayer-appeal to Jesus [The Jesus Prayer // Иисусова молитва]. The cover is made of cardboard with a note “taken out from the various books about the mystery” [выписано из разных книг о тайне]. Readers’ notes. 1885. (f. 1 has the date). 8º (manuscript size – 182 mm х 116 , cover size – 188 mm х 117 mm); 28 f; Condition: satisfactory, f. I-IV are cut out. F. 27 is вырезан. The manuscript was made in the community of Old believers-pilgrims living in the Tomsk-Chulym taiga.