போகர்- 200

Title in original script: போகர்- 200 The manuscript is composed of a text containing 7 palm leaves numbered from 1 to 6 and 2 leaves without a number. The manuscript is in extremely bad condition. All the leaves are broken or bitten by rodents, and are very damaged by larvae. The text, written in prose, is entitled Pōkar- 200. It deals with formulations of products used in medicine and alchemy. The formulations which are mentioned are: Aya centūram, a paṟpam (calcined white medicine) prepared with arsenic (tāḷakam) to treat diarrhea (aticāra pēti), medicines (maruntu; not named) against vomiting (vānti), hiccup (vikkal), bronchial asthma (cuvāca kācam) and cough (irumal), and a medicine based on mica (aprakam) whose the diseases on which it acts are not indicated. The text presents methods to transmute aṇṭa meḻuku, a wax-like medicine made of egg yolk, into gold (vētai), and to prepare diverse kaṭṭu (stone-like products), among them a type made of arsenic (pāṣāṇam). Size of the manuscript: 33,0cm x 3,2cm. The text has 7 palm leaves numbered from 1 to 6 (the leaf 4 is missing) and 2 leaves without a number. The manuscript is in extremely bad condition. All the leaves are broken or bitten by rodents, and are very damaged by larvae.