தலைப்பு இல்லை (மருந்து செய்முறைகள்)

Title in original script: தலைப்பு இல்லை (மருந்து செய்முறைகள்) The manuscript is constituted of a text of 8 palm leaves among them three are numbered 7, 8 and 9, and the others, bitten by rodents, have no longer a number. The manuscript is in average condition as its leaves are very damaged by larvae infestation. The text, written in verses, presents the formulation of Tāḷicapattiri curaṇam, Nayaṉa miruka tailam and Kentaka paṟpam, as well as medicines (maruntu; not named) for treating fistula (pavuttiram), blood vomiting (ratta vānti), ascitis (peruvayiṟu), urinary tract infection (mēka nōy) and diseases caused by kapa imbalance. The last leaf of the text is a copy of a text written by Caṭṭaimuṉi whose title and subject are not identifiable. Size of the manuscript: 30,5cm x 3,8cm. The text has 8 palm leaves among them 3 are numbered 7, 8 and 9, and the others, bitten by rodents, have no longer a number. The manuscript is in average condition; its leaves are damaged by larvae infestation.