ஸ்ரீமத் இராமாயண (சுந்தரகாண்டம்)

Title in original script: ஸ்ரீமத் இராமாயண (சுந்தரகாண்டம்) The text is formed by śloka-s in Sanskrit language written in Grantha scripts. It is a part of the Śrimat Irāmāyaṇā, an epic composed of seven chapters (kāṇṭam). The part presented in the text corresponds to the chapter entitled Cuntara, which is considered by Hindus as a text on prosperity, and is reading once a day during the worship. This text was used by its owner to chant and worship his forefathers. The chapter Cuntara relates: Searching Sita, Rāmā’s wife, Hanuman crossed the sea and reached Laṅkā. He found her, imprisoned by Rāvaṇā (Asokavaṉam). He revealed his identity to Sita by giving her Rāmā’s ring. In return, he asked her to give him one of her ornament, an anklet (cūṭāmaṇi). He met then Rāvaṇā and warned him to release Cītā. But as he refused, Hanuman set fire to Laṅkā and crossed the sea to bring to Rāmā the cūṭāmaṇi as a proof he saw Sita, and to inform him on the place where she was imprisoned. Rāmā and Hanuman with a large contingent of soldiers went to Lanka to battle Rāvaṇā and to free Cītā. The chapter ends when Rāmā and Cītā are reunited and are living a prosperous and happy life. Size of the manuscript: 30,5cm x 3,4cm. The text is composed of palm leaves numbered from 1 to 133; the leaves 20, 33 and 35 are missing. The manuscript is in good condition, some leaves are slightly affected by larvae.