Bangala o Asama Brahma sammilanira pancastama batsarera (1939-40) karya bibarana ebong uhar subarna jayanti adhibeshanera bibarana (sammilanira ardhasatabdira sankshipta itihasa ebong duiti abhibhasha...

Report on the fiftieth annual convention of the Brahmo consortium of Bengal and Assam. It also contains a history of the consortium and the discussions in its fiftieth anniversary. Date of original material: 1941. Calendar/Era: Common Calendar/CE. Extent and format of original and physical characteristics: Printed book in Bengali; Brittle and damaged by the book-worms. The original volume with length of 21 cm. Publisher: Dhaka: Amar Chandra Bhattacharya; Editor: Amara Candra Bhattacaryaya.