Resolution Book for the Year (1948-1952)

Appeal to appoint a education officer for the municipality (dated: 29 January, 1949), visit of Kshitish Chandra Niyogi, minister of urban and municipal affairs, at the municipality (dated: 12 April, 1948), discussions about the salary of the sweepers, issuing licence for rickshaw pullers, discussions about the election in the municipality (dated: 4 October, 1948), rebuilding of the standing committee on education (dated: 24 January, 1949), asking for a piece of land for building electrical sub station (31 January, 1949), discussions on the budget for the year 1949-50 (dated: 16 June, 1949) etc. Extent and format of original and physical characteristics: Handwritten proceedings of Santipur Municipality.; pages are brittle and worm eaten. Some pages are illegible due to bad lamination. The original volume with length of 33 cm. Author: Commissioners of the Municipality (Kanailala Bhadra, Manilala Kundu, Nirmala Candra Matha, Bhajahari Mallik, Aminula Islama, Sachina Mukherjee, Sudhamshu Kumara Pala and others). Vol. 34 (1948-1952).