
This text is believed to be a khila (appendix or supplement) to the Mahabharata and is traditionally ascribed to Veda Vyasa. It is divided into three parvans (chapters) namely Harivaṁśaparvan, Viṣṇuparvan and Bhaviṣyaparvan. This ms begins with a folio numbered as 20. Therefore, 1st to 19th folios are missing. The next folio is numbered as 142. Therefore, 21st to 141st folios are missing. Folio no. 158 is erroneously numbered as 157. Thus each folio after the first 157 bears one mark less than its original number. Again Folio no. 163 is erroneously numbered as 162. Thus each folio after the first 162 bears two marks less than its original number. Date of original material: 2nd-5th century CE (probable). Extent and format of original and physical characteristics: 31 Folios; Incomplete MS.; Extremely fragile. The original size of the folios are 50X12 cm. Author: Kṛṣṇa Dvaipāyana Vedavyāsa.