Nāmaliṅgānuśāsana / Amarakoṣa with Sukhabodhikā (Trikāṇḍacintāmaṇi ?) Commentary

It is the foremost Sanskrit lexicographic text. Original text is divided into 3 Kāṇḍas. Each Kāṇḍas are again divided into many Vargas. 88th folio is missing. Date of original material: 5th century CE (possible date) and 17th century CE (commentator's date). Extent and format of original and physical characteristics: 123 Folios; Incomplete MS.; Extremely fragile. The original size of the folios are 36X8 cm. Author: Amarasiṁha (author), Raghunātha Cakravartin (commentator); Scribe: Vanamālin (A Brahmin).