Tithyāditattvavivṛti (A commentary on Tithitattva etc. of Raghunandana)

It is a Dharmaśāstric commentarial text— commentary on some chapters (such as Tithitattva etc.) of Raghunandana Bhaṭṭācārya’s encyclopaedic work Smṛtitattva. Damaged MS. Many folios are torn. After folio 14, the rests are numbered from 1. In this new numerical sequence folios 18 to 26 are missing. Extent and format of original and physical characteristics: 34 Folios; Incomplete MS. No colophon found.; Extremely fragile. The original size of the folios are 45X11 cm. Author: Kāśirāma Vācaspati. Date of original material: between 16th century-18th century. The place of composition of this manuscript is Bengal.