MTM. 1. Lakṣmīpūjā Vidhi, 2. Ātmatamotkarṣa Stotra

1. Lakṣmīpūjā Vidhi, L: Sanskrit, LI: Newari, Script: Devanagari, with one yantra diagram, incomplete; 2. Ātmatamotkarṣa Stotra, quote from Brahmāṇḍa Purāṇa. L: Sanskrit, Script: Devanagari.

Alternative calendar and dates: Nepal Samvat; c 1030.

Physical characteristics: Nepali Paper, Thyāsaphū (Folded book); 12 fols, 9.5 cm X 20 cm; both-side Haritāl, heavily termite damaged.

Reference for the physical file at the Tīrthalāl Naghabhanī Archive: 14.