MTM. 1. Gosāikuṇḍa Birahinī Giṭ, 2. Petition to king, 3. Song

1. Gosāikuṇḍa Birahinī Giṭ (!), song related to a lady fasting for traveling to Gosāin̐kuṇḍa. Has travel descriptions. L: Newari, Script: Devanagari, Complete; 2. Draft petition to the king by Bheravavāhādur(!) Siṃha Pāṇḍe (Nirālā) for an audience so that the petitioner could present his draft on food bill. L: Nepali, Script: Devanagari, D: 2014 VS; 3. Song (incomplete), L: Newari, Script: Devanagari, Fragment describing the plight of a mother.

Alternative calendar and dates: Vikram; 2014.0.

Physical characteristics: Indian Paper; common notebook; 9 fols, 16 cm X 19.5 cm.

Reference for the physical file at the Tīrthalāl Naghabhanī Archive: 397.