Re-Ankalinim lands agreement between Esua Kohunka and others and Buruku Nwia and others, agreement to prospect and power of Attorney from Chief Kwesi Appesiska to Estate Management Company Ltd

The file includes: 1. Agreement between Esua Kohunka, Kodwo Achinaba, Erzann Essien, Kofi Baffu and Esua Kwi (29/11/1927). 2. Apesika Concession. Agreement No. 427/1927 dated 06/08/1927 (originally attached to an indenture dated 25/01/1941). 3. Documents regarding Concession Enquiry 1809 929/09/1938). 4. Memorandum of Agreement between Kwesi Appesika and Estates Management Company limited (12/03/1937). Original binding is lost and replaced with cotton. Extent and format of original material: File, 15 pages (originals). Condition: Light brim or rust, brownish. It uses Latin script with Nzima phonetic characters.