Nana Assabah Kpanyinli II versus Nana Kodwo Kyi (Kajina Concession 1, 2, 3). Land Suit No. 6/72

Plan of the land. Probably reproduction of a colour plan, since it has references to colour code. Indication on low left corner: "Andrew Essien, Surveyor, Builder and D/s man, P.O. Box 82, Sekondi, 08/12/81". Indication on central low edge: Ebenezer Robert Adjaye, Land survey D/man..P.O. Box 2/4 Sekondi" Indication on low right corner: "This is the plan attached to the certificate of validity in the Concession Enquiry". Extent and format of original material: File, 4 plans (copies). Condition: Rodents and mechanical damage. It uses Latin script with Nzima phonetic characters.