Beluy kidan - Old Testament books (Jubilees and the prophets) [1595-1605]

The manuscript is generally in very bad condition. The bookblock - deformed, shrunken in all margins due to water damage. Especially damaged is initial and final part of the book, were dark water stains on all margins are visible. Edges of folios are very weak, brittle, shrunken and in dark-brown colour. Shrinkage of margins caused creases of central part and further destruction of folios. All folios are dusty on all surface, but especially on all margins. The glass-like layer can be observed. A large loss of lower margin in first few quires is visible. The sewing of the book was very weak and was repaired by stab-stitching along the edges of the inner margins of all quires, additionally protected by strips of new parchment. Many of the folios have large losses of parchment base and in many places text is fuzzy due to water damage. The binding - half leather binding - original, in rough wooden boards with a strip of leather covering a spine and attached to the boards are used. Front cover partly broken.