"Haddis kidan - New Testament: Acts, Revelations non-Pauline letters [1600-1799]"

Manuscript is generally in very bad condition. The bookblock - deformed, dirty on all surface and especially on the outer margins of the folios. Sewing repaired. The edges of all folios are yellowish and brittle, mainly as an effect of high air temperature. The glass-like layer, as an effect of gelatinization process of the parchment can also be observed. There are some losses of parchment base mainly in the corners and outer margins in a few last quires. Stronger spots and water stains are visible on folios: 5, 12, 24, 25, 30-38, 47-53, 57-58, 70, 84-85, 121, 124v, 147v, 149, 151v. Additionally some traces of flies droppings are visible in different places in bookblock (f. 14-15, 40v, 62). Some damages in gutters of bifolios also are present. The sewing is broken in several places. The binding - bare wooden boards are in bad condition. Front board is broken and tied together with thick thread in two places.