"Thatsaphon (first fascicle), Himmaphanton (fascicle no.2), Himmaphanton (fascicle no.3), ThānakhanBan Ton (fascicle no.4), Thānakhanbanpai (fascicle no.5), Vanna Pha Vet (fascicle no.6). Susaka (fasc...

Text No.1. This text is about perfroming perfection of the Boddhisatva or the Buddha as Vessantara, this manuscript is tell of Princess Phutsadi was a deity in the paradise, she's asked for 10 blessings from the Indra before she became a mother of Vessantara. Text No.2. This text is about perfroming perfection of the Boddhisatva as Vessantara, this manuscript is about Vessantara gave his city's cherished elephant to a city that was in need of aid, leading to his exile from the kingdom. Text No.3. This text is about Vessantara offering to give away the horse pulling his oxcart as he is leaving the kingdom. Text No.4. This text is about Vessantara offering to give away the horse pulling his oxcart as he is leaving the kingdom. Text No.5. This text is about Vessantara offering to give away the horse pulling his oxcart as he is leaving the kingdom. Text No.6. This text is about Pha Vet with Nang.Matthi, Thao. Sali and Nang. Kanha all of the went out of their city and trip in the forest. Text No.7.This text is about an old Brahmins who's ugly, but he's mariiage young girl. Text No.8. This text is about a small forest along the way to the place which Vessantara was perfrom perfaction.Text No.9.This text tells of Vessantara giving over both of his children to the old Brahmins when princess Matsi went to forest. Text No.11.This text tells of Vessantara giving over both of his children to the old Brahmins, who then tie a vine around both of the children's arms and drag them away into the city. Text No.13. This part of the Vessantara Jataka is about the episode when Prince Vessantara gave Princess Matsi to the Brahmin who was in fact God Indra in disguise. The Brahmin finally gave Nang Matthi back to Prince Vessantara and the princess took care of him. Text No.14. This text tell of the Vessantara Jataka tells about an old Brahmin taking Sali and Kanha, son and daughter of Prince Vessantara away. He had planned to take them to his home kingdom but he went down the wrong road and ended up in the home kingdom of Pha Vet or Prince Vessantara. Their grandparents were able to rescue their two grandchildren. Text No.15.This text is about the observation religious of precepts of the Boddhisattva in his incarnation as Pha Vet, this part tells about inviting Vessantara back to the kingdom. The colophon mentions Chinna Thammo Phikkhu (monk) as sponsor. Date of original material: BE 2529; 1985. 177 folios.