Settlement - Paper [1871-1948]

This file contains 84 paper documents dealing with various settlement issues and most written on stamp paper. It contains details on land property settlement agreement, wet and dry land settlement agreement, house settlement agreement, house plot settlement agreement, palm tree dry land settlement agreement, empty land settlement agreement, hut house settlement agreement, shop plot settlement agreement, will settlement agreement, dowry settlement agreement and certificate of encumbrance of property. Some of the groups involved in the above mentioned settlement deeds are Pandaram, Chettiyar, Pillai, Braman, Konar, Adi Diravidar, Naidu, Vanniyar, Nayakar, Muslim and Valluvar. The last document is a photocopy. Dates of original material: 10-01-1871 to 27-10-1948. Extent and format of original material: 84 Handwritten and printed Paper documents. Hight 32cm\ Width 20cm to Hight 37cm\ Width 20cm.