Accounts communications - Paper [1915-1948]

This file contains 598 images of various types of documents dealing with accounts: cheque leaf of Pudukottai Bank, payment receipts of SASSV Agency in Rangoon, income tax statement of C.A.C. Chelappa Chetiyar's business firms in Kyaiklat, counter leaf of payment chalans of M.CT. Bank Pudukottai, United Bank Ltd- Ramachandrapuram and Manarkudi bank. It also has expenditures of Chelappa Chetiyar related to purchase of groceries, medicine, temple rituals, purchase of gold ornaments, land, household groceries court expensus, renowation of irrigation channel, and office maintainence in Rangoon. Dates of original material: 09-03-1915 to 31-01-1948; Vekutania\ Sitthirai\ 1-Teeti…ect. Extent and format of original material: 11 Handwritten and printed Paper documents. Hight 20cm\ Width 20cm; to Hight 22cm\Width 34cm.