
Work contains twelve different texts taken from a single family library and is a mixture of different genres: philosophical, ritual, devotional, poetic, astrological and more; contains, for example, a number of Vaiṣṇava devotional themes (some drawn from the Bhagavatapūrāṇa, others from devotional Bengali works); there is one particular work with selections from the poetry of Kālidasa as well as the Māhābhārata and contains mantras celebrating Hari (Viṣṇu) and Durgā, and names some local Brahmins: Gaurīcaraṇa Śarmmaṇa, Bhavānīśaṃkara Bhaṭṭācaryya, and Abhayanātha Bhaṭṭācaryya, possibly former owners of that section or family members. There is also a protective work (kavaca) dedicated to Durgā); as well as numerous Tantric works (such as parts of Āgamas, selection from the Mahānirvānatantra, and more), charts and small diagrams with letters and numbers from a personal astrological almanac (pañjika). Cotton and wood pulp paper and machine made paper; poor condition, unbound. 12 x 40 cm; 17 folios. Notes and numbers written in modern Bengali hand: Kra: 6197.