
Collection of kavacas, a kind of sacred amulet in written form used in rites and rituals for preventing bad things from happening. There are about 15 different kavacas many of them drawings with protective mantras written inside along with instructions for performing rites and a list of ingredients having medical and ritual purposes (such as salt, fruits, and spices). Kavacas include those dedicated to the deities Narasiṃha and Durgā, as well as others. They were used for preventing miscarriages, disease among cows, fever, and other calamities. There are two distinct folios from two separate scribes and of different sizes. Cotton and wood pulp paper; fair condition, unbound. 9 x 42 and 24 x 38 cm; 2 folios. Scribe: Kālīkāṇṭha Śarmman.