Revenue Administration: urban property tax, 1853

The book contains register of tax collection by the urban Revenue Administration office (Administração de Rendas) in 1853. It includes: payment of property taxes relating to the properties of Geraldo Bizerra Cavalcante, located at Misericordia Street, nº 120; Simplício Narciso de Carvalho's on Direita street; José Jacintho do Reis's on Direita street, nº 20; Victorino Pereira Maya's on Nova street, nº 127; Joaquim Tavares Bastos's on Alegria street, nº 561; Manuel Caetano da Motta's on Milagres street, nº 571; José Gonçalves de Medeiros's on Aurora street, nº 323; among others.

Created by the Provincial Revenue Administration.

Extent and format of original material: 1 volume of 50 folios, in addition to front and back cover. Manuscript book with original cover. Damaged by insects, acid paper, and iron gall ink. Folios are blank after folio 25.

Creator (Author): Justino José de Souza Campos, colaborador da Contadoria da Administração; Satyro Emiliano Meira de Vasconcelos, escrivão.