Guru Ismail Religious Manual

According to the owner the book describes the teachings of Islam,includes several doas and describes God’s creation of humankind via the alphabet. The teachings are very spiritual and secretive, and could not be accessed without the mediation of a guru. Folder also includes several notes found inside the manuscript. Creation dates: 1941 appears toward the end of the manuscript. Arabu-Tamil, Arabic, Malay, English, Gundal.

Physical characteristics of original material: Written in blue, red and black ink as well as pencil. Final few pages in a different hand. Several Illusutrations in colored pencil and pen including of the developing fetus and the Human body drawn using Arabic letters. Several notes found inside the manuscript. Extent and format of original material: handwritten, 138 folios. Custodial history: The book belonged to Binthy’s Mother In Law, Noona Marjan (1917-2010) who studied the teaching from Guru Bachman Ismail. Owner of original material: Sithy Binthy Noorani Deen.