Land details and payments [1863]

This palm-leaf document gives land details and payments made by vengkaNanh, cangkilikkoonh, taatakkoonh, muttukkaruppanh. It also contains information on a land sale by vengkaNanh in the 1st and 2nd palm-leaves in the images 1 and 2; a land leased by muttukaruppanh in the 4th palm-leaf in the images 9 and 10 and 1st palm-leaf in the images 11 and 12; and a loan borrowed by vengkNanh in the 4th palm-leaf in the images 11 and 12.

Physical characteristics/Extent and format of original material: Palmyra leaf (borassus flabellifer); varying sizes: height 3cm, width 20cm to height 3cm, width 66cm; sideline perforation; few palm-leaves were broken. 1 handwritten palm-leaf document (7 palm-leaves).

Creation dates of original material (Gregorian and/or Tamil calendar): 1863.