Loan [1818-]

This palm-leaf document is a cash loan document by munhiyanh ceTTi and naakaiyanh ceTTi of madurai to cuppiramaNiyanh ceeruvaikaaranh and by mangkaikkaracu ceeruvaikaaranh,son of uTaiyaanh ceeruvaikaaranh of panhaikkarai village to cuppiramaNiya ceeruvaikaaranh, son of viiraNanh ceeruvaikaaranh of atalai village and others. This information is available in the 2nd palm-leaf in the images 1, 2, 5, 6, 17 and 18; 1st palm-leaf in the images 3, 4, 11, 12, 15 and 16; 3rd palm-leaf in the images 7, 8, 13 and 14; 4th palm-leaf in the images 9 and 10.

Physical characteristics/Extent and format of original material: Palmyra leaf (borassus flabellifer); varying sizes: height 3cm, width 26cm to height 3 cm, width 41cm; sideline perforation. 9 handwritten palm-leaf documents (9 palm-leaves).

Creation dates of original material (Gregorian and/or Tamil calendar): 1818; vicu/maarakazi/27; vekutaanhiya/cittirai/30.