Mukhtaṣar maṭlaʻ al-sa'id

Mukhtaṣar Maṭlaʻ al-saʻid, a summary of Kitāb al-maṭlaʻ al-saʻīd fī ḥisābāt al-kawākib ʻalá al-raṣad al-jadīd, a work on calendrics and horology. Notes at the end of the volume record calculations for locations in the Malay peninsula and Sumatra.

A colophon records that it was copied by ʻAbd al-Karīm Amr Allāh on 25 Ṣafar 1328/25 Feb 1911 (image 22).

Physical characteristics: Black ink on paper.

Author: Ḥusayn Zāʾid.