Tshamdrak rNying rgyud dKar chag

The volume contains the catalogue and introductory account about rNying ma rGyud 'bum written by 'Jigs med Gling pa which was written for the publication of the rNying ma rGyud 'bum at Padma Chos gling in Tibet. The book contains the story of the Buddhist teachings and masters and a list of the tantras contained in the Padma Chos gling edition of the rNying ma rGyud 'bum. The author also rebuts the criticism by some Tibetan scholars who alleged that the rNying ma tantras are spurious local compositions and not genuine tantras. The volume is written on cream coloured traditional Bhutanese paper made from dahpne bark. It is written in black ink. The text is wrapped in several layers of cloth and bound between two think wood covers. The leaves are roughly 65x18cm. The first folios of the rNying ma rGyud 'bum have a deep blue background, most likely painted using malachite or lac. Letters on the first folio are written in gold ink. The text starts on the verso of the first leaf which also has a silk cover. 1 volume containing 336 folios of manuscripts on paper in loose leaf poti format.

Dates of original material: unknown.

Volume: dKar chag.

Script(s) of material: Tibetan dBu can script.