Tariqat Naqsyabandiyyah [Jumadil Akhir 1253 H]

Article regarding the teachings of a small sect of Naqsyabandiyyah to achieve bliss through 3 means.

Creator: Ahmad bin Ibrahim bin Alan al-Alwani.

Owner: Abdul Khalq.

Dimensions: 20 x 13 cm. 15 pages comprised approximately of 15-17 lines per page; black and red ink for columns; colophon: wa kana al-firag min an-nuskhat al-mubaraqah al-azim ayum as-sabt fi waqti ad-duha wa baqa fi syahri Jumad al-akhir isna afdil as-salat wa as-salam bi khat al faqir Abdul Khaliq al-Butuni wa salallahu ala Sayyidina Muhammadin wa alihi wa shabihi wassalam.

Condition: good, thick paper which is damp at the top edges, yellowed. Writing is legible. European paper: Man in the moon (9.0).