Hikmat Membuat Ukupan Setanggi Makah Yang Masyrafah Terlalu Amat Harum Lagi Semerbuk Bahunya [18 Rajab 1314 Hijriyah]

Two Malay perfume recipes: one for ukupan setanggi, and the other dupa. Single piece of paper with margins damaged, written in black ink, waterstained. In the top margin there is a note asking a certain Uwak to give the recipe for ukupan setanggi. The recipe is given together for one for dupa. Watermark: Part of image of an elephant between tow coconut trees with the name of the company GUTHRIE & Co Ltd written in Latin, Arabic and Chinese scripts. Colophon: Telah selesai disalin surat ini pada 8 hari bulan Rajab hari Ahad jam pukul 3 petang tahun 1314 di dalam negeri Riau Pulau Penyengat di dalam kota al-marhum Engku Puteri adanya.