Land deeds for plantations and orchards at Panggak Kiri, with some maps of the locations and borders of land owned by Haji ‘Usman ibni Datuk Laksamana bordering on the land of Letnan ‘Abdulrahman, Hit...

(Issued by Mahkamah Negeri Lingga. A bundle of land grants sown together; some pages are blank. A land grant form from 1316 has been pasted onto the cover. Printed and with handwriting in black ink and some blue and red. Some pages damaged, and repaired with sellotape. One document with signature and seal of Assistant Resident Lingga with the office at Tanjung Buton. This bundle was donated by A-Cuang to the Museum Linggam Cahaya di Daik, Lingga. There are several watermarks in the bundle: 1)Rickshaw driver with passenger. Countermark: MADE IN AUSTRIA and ERP & Co in oval; 2) SUPERFINE 1879; 3) KERADJAAN LINGGA RIOUW.