"Surat Keterangan Pemilik Kebun Buah-Buahan [Hari Arba’a, 19 Rabbi’ulawal 1312 Hijriah]"

Digital images of a certificate of ownership for an orchard issued by the court of justice to Haji Thahir and five men of a sagu plantation, Hari Arba’a, 19 Rabbi’ulawal 1312 Hijriah.

Notes: A printed form in jawi, paper damaged and fragile. Number 26 registered in Dabo nombor 24, 13/5. 1915. In top margin is a big stamp of Sultan van Lingga Riouw en Onderhoorigheden in red ink and his signature. Above the signatures of owner and witnesses we find a small oval embossed stamp withillegible jawi inscription. The paper has been repaired using sellotape.