كتاب أفخلوجيون الصلوات والطلبات يحتاج اليه الكاهن في جميع الاوقات / فسره من اللغة اليونانية بكد وتعب الفقير مالاتيوس المطران بمدينة حلب

The book of Euchologion is a collection of prayers and practices related to the Eastern Orthodox Church. Interpreted by Meletios, the Archbishop of Aleppo in Tripoli, Lebanon in 7164 Adam Anno, equivalent to1653 M. |If you would like to view the Arabic language description in the AUB catalogue, please go to : https://libcat.aub.edu.lb/record=b2607996.

Extent: 426 pages.

Size and dimensions of original material: Height 19, Width 14 cm.

Condition of original material: Good condition. First pages are missing.

Arrangement: Classified according to Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC).

Alternative calendar and date: - - - - - - - - -, 7164.

Author(s)/Creator(s): Meletios, Archbishop of Aleppo.

Scribe(s): Niʻmah, Yūwāsif.

Related subjects: Theology, Christianity, Prayers.

Original institution reference: MS 248.3:M519aA.