ວິທຸຣະບັນດິດຕະ (ຜູກຖ້ວນ ໙)

ວິທຸຣະຊາດົກ ພະໂພທິສັດເກີດເປັນວິທຸຣະບັນດິດ ຜູ້ເປັນປາດໃນຣາຊະສໍານັກຂອງພະເຈົ້າທະນັນໄຊໂກຣົບພະຣາດແຫ່ງນະຄອນອິນທະປັດ. ວິທຸຣະບັນດິດຈະເປັນຜູ້ສະແດງທໍາແກ່ພະຣາຊາຈົນທີ່ເລື່ອງລື. ວັນໜຶ່ງ ພະເຈົ້າທະນັນໄຊໄດ້ໄປຖືສີນຢູ່ສວນອຸທິຍານ ໃນຂະນະນັ້ນ ພະຍານາກ, ພະຍາຄຸດ ແລະພະອິນກໍ່ໄດ້ມາປະຕິບັດທໍາຢູ່ທີ່ນັ້ນເຊັ່ນດຽວກັນ. ພະຣາຊາທັງສີ່ຕ່າງກໍ່ຢາກຮູ້ວ່າ ສີນຂອງຜູ້ໃດປະເສີດກວ່າກັນ ວິທຸຣະບັນດິດໄດ້ຂາບທູນວ່າ ສີນຂອງທັງສີ່ພະອົງຕ່າງກໍ່ເລີດລໍ້າສະເໝີກັນ ທັງສີ່ພະອົງຈຶ່ງຊົງປິຕິຍິນດີແລະໄດ້ປະທານລາງວັນແກ່ວິທຸຣະບັນດິດ. ເມື່ອພະຍານາກໄດ້ກັບໄປເມືອງນາກແລ້ວໄດ້ເລົ່າໃຫ້ມະເຫສີຟັງ, ເຮັດໃຫ້ມະເຫສີຢາກຟັງທໍາຂອງວິທຸຣະບັນດິດ ຈຶ່ງແກ້ງປ່ວຍແລ້ວໃຫ້ພະສາມີນໍາເອົາຫົວໃຈຂອງວິທຸຣະບັນດິດມາໃຫ້ ບໍ່ສະນັ້ນ ພະນາງຈະເຖິງແກ່ຄວາມຕາຍ. ພະຍານາກຈຶ່ງໃຫ້ພະທິດາປ່າວປະກາດວ່າ ຖ້າຜູ້ໃດນໍາຫົວໃຈຂອງວິທຸຣະບັນດິດມາໄດ້ຈະຍອມເປັນເມຍ. ຍັກປຸນນະກະໄດ້ອາສາໄປທ້າພະນັນກັບພະຍາທະນັນໄຊ, ພະຍາແພ້ພະນັນຈຶ່ງມອບວິທຸຣະບັນດິດໃຫ້ໄປ. ປຸນນະກະຍັກໄດ້ນໍາວິທຸຣະບັນດິດໄປເມືອງບາດານ ວິທຸຣະບັນດິດຈິ່ງເທດສະໜາທໍາແກ່ພະຍານາກ, ມະເຫສີ ແລະລູກສາວ ວ່າ ປັນຍານັ້ນແລຄືຫົວໃຈຂອງບັນດິດ. ຄໍາລົງທ້າຍ: ລານທີ ໑໙ ໜ້າ ໑ ແລະ ໒: ພະພຸດທະສັກກະຣາດ ໒໔໗໔ ຕົວ ປີຮ້ວງມົດ ເດືອນ ຍີ່ ຂຶ້ນ ໙ ຄໍ່າ ວັນ ໗ ໝາຍມີ ສົມເດັດພະນາງເຈົ້າເສົາວະພາຜ່ອງສີ ພະບໍຣົມມະຣາຊີນີນາດ ເຊິ່ງທຣົງພະຄຸນນະທໍາມະຫາປະເສີດອັນຊົງພະນາມ ຊື່ວ່າ ສາທຸໃຫຍ່ຄໍາຝັ້ນ ອົງເປັນພະມະເຫສີເທວີເປັນເຄົ້າ ກັບທັງພະປິດຕາມານດາຊູຫະຊາຍາຕິກາພັນທຸວົງສາໝູ່ພີ່ນ້ອງ ລູກເຕົ້າ ຫລານເຫລັນຊູ່ພະອົງ ໄດ້ພ້ອມກັນມີພະຣາຊະສັດທາສ້າງຍັງ ລໍາວິທຸຣະບັນດິດຕະ ມັດນີ້ ໄວ້ກັບວໍຣະພະພຸດທະສາສະໜາພະໂຄຕະມະເຈົ້າ ຕາບຕໍ່ເທົ້າ ໕໐໐໐ ພະວັດສາ ຂໍໃຫ້ຜົນໂກສົນສ່ວນບຸນອັນນີ້ນໍາໄປຮອດໄປເຖິງພະປິດຕາມານດາຍາຕິກາ ພັນທຸວົງສາ ໝູ່ພີ່ນ້ອງ ລູກເຕົ້າຫລານເຫລັນຊູ່ພະອົງ ເຊິ່ງອັນໄດ້ເຂົ້າສູ່ສະຫວັນລະຄົດນັ້ນ ແມ່ນໄດ້ໄປຕົກທີ່ຮ້າຍທັງຫລາຍໝາຍມີອະບາຍຍະພູມທັງ ໔ ມີນາຮົກເປັນຕົ້ນ ຂໍໃຫ້ຜະລະໂກສົນນໍາບຸນອັນນີ້ໄປອູ້ມພົກອອກຈາກນາຮົກຊູ່ພະອົງແລ້ວ ຂໍໃຫ້ໄດ້ຂຶ້ນຊູ່ສະເວີຍສຸກ ໓ ປະການ ມີນີຣະພານເປັນທີ່ແລ້ວ ຂໍໃຫ້ຢ່າໄດ້ຄາດແຄ້ວດັ່ງຄໍາມັກຄໍາປາດຖະໜາແຫ່ງຝູງຂ້າທັງຫລາຍແດ່ກໍ່ຂ້າເທີ້ນ ສາທຸໆ ນິບພານັງ ປາຣະມັງ ສຸກຂັງໆ.

Vidhura Pandita Jataka, the Bodhisatta took his life as Vidhura Pandita who was a sage in the court of King Thanansai Koroppharat of Indapatta kingdom. Vidhura Pandita regularly preached the Dharma to the king until he was widely known. One day, King Thanansai went to observe the precepts at the royal park. Naga, Garuda and Indra came to meditate at this place as well. The four kings were curious to know which one's precepts were better. Vidhura Pandita said: The precepts of the four kings are always supremely. All four of them rejoiced and gave awards to Vidhura Pandita. When the Naga returned to the Naga world, he described about Vidhura Pandita to his wife, causing her to want to listen to the Dharma. So she tricked and pretended to be sick and then had his husband take her the heart of Vidhura Pandita. Otherwise she will die. The Naga king therefore had his daughter proclaim that if anyone could bring the Vidhura Pandita’s heart, she would agree to become a wife. Yak Punnaka volunteered to gamble with King Thanansai. King Thanansai was defeated and gave Vidhura Pandita to him. Punnaka Giant took Vidhura Pandita to the Naga world. There, Vidhura Pandita preached the Dhamma to Naga king, his queen and daughter and said that, “Wisdom is the hearth of a graduate”. Colophon: Folio 19 on the recto and verso sides: Buddhist Era (BE) 2474, a huang mot year, on the ninth day of the waxing moon of the second lunar month, the seventh day of the week (Saturday). The initiator, Somdet Phra Nang Chao Saovaphaphòngsi Phrabòrommarāsinināt who has supreme virtues, named Sathu Nyai Khamfan, the queen and her father, mother, and all her relatives, siblings, children, grandchildren had the religious faith to sponsor the making of this manuscript-bundle entitled Vithurabanditta (Vidhurapandita) to support the Teachings of Gotama Buddha to last until the end of 5000 years. May the results of this merit support my father, mother, and all relatives, siblings, children, grandchildren who already died. Even if they have been stuck in a misery place like the four low states of existence, may the results of this merit support them all to be free from the low states and make them reach the three states of happiness with Nirvana as the ultimate goal. May all our desires and wishes not be ignored definitely. Well done, well done. Nirvana is the greatest bliss.

Extent: 1 palm-leaf manuscript containing 19 leaves.

Size and dimensions of original material: Hight 4.6 cm, width 58.5 cm, depth 0.8 cm.

Condition of original material: Good.

Alternative calendar and date: Lao, BE 2474, a huang mot year

Author(s)/Creator(s): Unidentified.

Scribe(s): Unidentified.

Original institution reference: Manuscript Cabinet No.1.