الدر النظيم في خواص القرآن العظيم

A book of the benefits of reading the surahs of the Quran. Extent: 1 lithograph volume containing 63 folios. Size and dimensions of original material: 200 x 145 x 20. Condition of original material: Pest Damage ;Text block separate from cover Damage to Cover ;Severe humidity, mold, or fire damage ;This cover appears to be for a manuscript and not for this publication. Author(s)/Creator(s): (Abū Muḥammad ʿAbd Allāh bin Asʿad al-Yumnī al-Yāqiʿī al-Shāfiʿī) أبو محمد عبد الله بن أسعد اليمنى اليافعي الشافعي.