Mixed Bundle

Red boards and painted sides (myañḥ nī). White cloth affixed to one board with title saddatthabhedacintā. Red lac. covers and leaves. Extent: 1 Palm Leaf Manuscript. Condition of original material: Good condition. Additional date information: Copied c. 18–19th centuries Keywords: Remove, History, Law and Legal affairs, Buddhism, Languages and Grammar. This manuscript contains the following 8 texts: EAP1150/1/93/1: Saddatthabhedacintā pāṭh; sambandhacintā; kaccāyanasāra [Saddatthabhedacintā pāṭhʻ; sambandhacintā; kaccāyanasāra] Description: Philology. Extent: ka-kaṃ; kāḥ-kho. Condition of original material: Very good handwriting. EAP1150/1/93/2: Saddatthabhedacintā Description: Title ka.r and in upper right margin of verso folios saddatthabhedacintā. Title in upper right marings of kau.v, kaṃ.r saddatthabhedacintā pāṭh. Author kau.v–kaṃ.r saddhammasīri of Arimaddanapūra. Copy date f. kaṃ sakkarāj 1230 praññ. nhac prasui. lchan 6 rak kyāsapadeḥ ne. ne 2 khyak tīḥ kyau akhyin. Monolingual Pali. Grammar. 10 lpf. Extent: ka.v [4]–kaṃ.r [13]. Additional date information: Copied 1868 EAP1150/1/93/3: Bāvarī Description: Text in Burmese verse. Published catalogue gives no details of the subject matter of the text. Extent: ka-kha. EAP1150/1/93/4: Sambandhacintā Description: Title in upper right margin of verso folios kāḥ.v–khū.v sambandhacintā. Sambandhacintā runs kāḥ.v–khū.v. Scribal colophon kho..v sakkarāj 1230 prañ. ta pui. tvaiḥ lchan 9 rak buddha hū ne. ne ta khyak ma tīḥ mhī akhyin tvaṅ sambandhacintākaccāyanasārapāṭh kui reḥ kūḥ prīḥ e*. Monolingual Pali. Grammar. 10 lpf. Extent: kāḥ.v [15]–khū.v [21]. Additional date information: Copied 1869 EAP1150/1/93/5: Kaccāyanasāra Description: Kaccāyanasāra runs khū.v–kho..r. Scribal colophon kho..v sakkarāj 1230 prañ. ta pui. tvaiḥ lchan 9 rak buddha hū ne. ne ta khyak ma tīḥ mhī akhyin tvaṅ sambandhacintākaccāyanasārapāṭh kui reḥ kūḥ prīḥ e*. Monolingual Pali. Grammar. 10 lpf. Extent: khū.v [21]–kho..r [23]. Additional date information: Copied 1869 EAP1150/1/93/6: Manu pyat thuṃ [Manu pyatʻ thuṃ] Description: Title also spelt Manu phrat thuṃḥ. Includes chapters 2-10. Notes in pencil on end chapters (verso of leaves). Published catalogue gives no details of the subject matter of the text. Extent: ka-ṭi. Condition of original material: Very good handwriting; clear text. EAP1150/1/93/7: Bāvarī mau kvanḥ [Bāvarī moʻ kvanʻʺ] Description: Copied 1868. Vernacular Burmese prose. History. 10 lpf. Extent: ka.v [25]–kha.r [36]. Additional date information: Copied 1868 EAP1150/1/93/8: Manusāra dhammasat nissaya [Manusāra dhammasatʻ nissaya] Description: Books 2–10 (book 1 lacking). Names of co-authors on f. gi.r followed by date of presumably the exemplar of copy (4 waxing Nadaw 1134 = 1772 CE). Recopying of exemplar copy-date found at the end of other books. Date of composition in Pali on f. ṅe.v terasādhikavassamhi sakkārājena sahassake (=1651–2 CE). Latest date of scribal copy at the end of book 8 (f. jai.r): 3 waxing Pyatho 1230 (1868 CE). Presumably the other two books would have taken the copying into 1869 CE. Pali-Burmese nissaya. Law. 10 lpf. Extent: ka.v [38]–ṭi.r [159]. Author(s)/Creator(s): Taungbhila Sayadaw Tipiṭakālaṅkāra, Kaingza Manurāja. Additional date information: Composed 1651–1652. Copied 1868, 1869. Date of exemplar 1772.